Browsing Archive: November, 2009

Caller makes me Thankful

Posted by Misty Montano on Thursday, November 26, 2009, In : Assignment News Desk 

I found myself explaining to a woman over the phone how to share a link on her facebook page tonight.  Then I found myself kicking myself for the internal sigh I had when the woman asked me to her.  The conversation ended with her crying and with me holding back my own tears.

The woman called to ask if there was a way to get a copy of a story that the station aired.  She was watching it on her computer and wanted a copy for her and her mom.  I started to explain that the newsroom administrat...

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I am the Dream Killer and the Saboteur

Posted by Misty Montano on Thursday, November 19, 2009, In : Assignment News Desk 

“Misty, I blame you!” exclaimed the producer half in jest half in frustration.  “All these weird truck problems are all you!” 

“Yep, that’s me.  I caused the tire to go flat,” I responded with a laugh.

Sometimes when it seems all is going wrong, all you can do is make a joke out of it as you work to make sure the viewer would never know what obstacles with which you’re dealing.  Tonight it was a flat tire on a live truck.  The truck was already in position for the 5pm newsc...

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Internet Silent: The night the Internet crashed

Posted by Misty Montano on Saturday, November 14, 2009, In : Assignment News Desk 
Tonight has been a busy news night. Nothing could be considered huge breaking news, but it was enough to keep me busy in the newsroom and on Twitter sharing information. Rewind 24-hours and I wouldn’t have been able to Tweet. There was a company-wide, seriously coast to coast, Internet outage that lasted hours. While I was on the news desk during the outage, it was very calm news wise and I found myself thinking, “huh, I’m not going crazy by not being able to Twitter.”

After tonight th...

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"I've been stabbed! uh, I mean I stabbed myself" and the news coverage

Posted by Misty Montano on Thursday, November 5, 2009, In : Assignment News Desk 

Monday night (Nov. 2) after 6 p.m. I heard a call to respond to a stabbing in Jefferson County. Several agencies were called to send crews, including K-9, set up a perimeter to search for suspects. Immediately my new antennas went up and I was on alert. I had few crews – let me rephrase – NO crews, available to send to just check out the scene. I needed information and I needed logistic plans A – D.

I waited a few minutes to give dispatchers enough time to do their jobs before I bothered...

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Seriously, butter? A letter to the bowl owner.

Posted by Misty Montano on Wednesday, November 4, 2009, In : Assignment News Desk 

I noticed last night as I was leaving that there was a bowl with a stick of butter in it on the desk behind the assignment desk. I don’t remember the exact phrase I said, but as I grabbed my coat and saw it I exclaimed something like, “seriously? Is that butter on the desk?” Then I walked away.

I figured the owner of the butter would take care of it in the morning, so I didn’t touch it. The bowl the butter is in is a nice bowl. I have lost many-a-bowl to the underbelly of the break roo...

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Misty Montano

Evolving Journalist I am a Journalist using Social Technologies and Interactive Media to connect with news consumers. I am taking on the new exciting and challenging role of Digital Content Manager at 9News in Denver, CO. Previously I was an Assignment Editor at CBS4 News in Denver where I won an Emmy for my work and spent the first 10 years of my career. I truly grew up on the news desk.