Browsing Archive: September, 2009

A preemptive strike from a PIO or PR rep can prevent mishaps

Posted by Misty Montano on Saturday, September 26, 2009, In : Assignment News Desk 

I understand how difficult it is to be a PIO or PR rep during breaking news or a developing situation.  (For rest of post I will use PIO-Public Information Officer-to refer to all media reps.)  I relate to your job as I compare it to that of my own as an assignment editor.  I only know what is happening by what I’m told by news crews on scene, witnesses or PIOs; or by what I hear on the scanners. 

Producers, writers, editors, managers, reporters, photographers constantly ask me for more det...

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No escaping hate on the news desk

Posted by Misty Montano on Thursday, September 24, 2009, In : Assignment News Desk 

I’ve been called many things and accused of many things by those who call the newsroom to share their complaints, frustration, and anger.  I’ve been accused of being an instigator by encouraging and rallying for reaction from the public.  I was thrown back a little the other day when a caller accused me and the media in general of NOT inciting the public.


When I answered the phone the caller immediately launched into his tale without pausing for breath.  He rambled about September 25th ...

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Frank talk on ACORN and news decisions

Posted by Misty Montano on Wednesday, September 16, 2009, In : Assignment News Desk 

Since September 10th when the undercover video at ACORN was released I, and my coworkers, have taken many calls, emails and social media comments on the story.  With confidence I can say 90% of the comments were nasty and mean.  Only a few times did I see an email, direct Twitter message, or phone call that didn’t make me brace myself for another lashing.  Those few comments were actually questions instead of accusation.  They were questions of “how is a national story like ACORN covered ...

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Playing it safe with news tips

Posted by Misty Montano on Tuesday, September 1, 2009, In : Assignment News Desk 

This afternoon the news desk received two very viable news tips.  I was unable to confirm either tip.  My gut tells me that tomorrow, both tips will be a story.


It’s frustrating when this happens.  I can only do so much from the news desk like make as many calls as possible until I reach anyone who will give me an answer.  If the answer is no comment or no that’s incorrect, I’m stuck. 


I’m on the news desk communicating through email, phone calls and even Twitter.  None of this r...

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Misty Montano

Evolving Journalist I am a Journalist using Social Technologies and Interactive Media to connect with news consumers. I am taking on the new exciting and challenging role of Digital Content Manager at 9News in Denver, CO. Previously I was an Assignment Editor at CBS4 News in Denver where I won an Emmy for my work and spent the first 10 years of my career. I truly grew up on the news desk.