Browsing Archive: March, 2011

I signed off the news desk at CBS4 News for the last time

Posted by Misty Montano on Tuesday, March 15, 2011, In : Assignment News Desk 

I signed off from the CBS4 News desk for the last time last night after 10 plus years as an Assignment Editor because I’ve accepted the position of Digital Content Manager at 9News. When I think of my life, channel 4 and everyone at the station is right there along with thoughts about my family.  I can’t picture life away from there, but now I must. 

I grew up at channel 4 on the news desk.  I thought I knew everything when I started here right out of college and it turns out I knew ver...
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10 press release etiquette tips and requests

Posted by Misty Montano on Tuesday, March 8, 2011, In : Assignment News Desk 

Recently I had the pleasure of participating in a media round table luncheon hosted by PRSA Colorado.  I was asked questions about newsroom staffing, editorial decision making, press release preferences, best newsroom contacts, best times to call, and much more.   It seems I’ve taken a lot of questions about press releases lately; or maybe it’s because the luncheon happened not long ago so it just seems like a lot more than normal.

I haven’t written much about press releases sin...
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Facebook page admins be wary of mind control tactics

Posted by Misty Montano on Friday, March 4, 2011, In : Social Media in the Newsroom 

If you’re a facbook page administrator like I am I bet you were ready to pull your hair out yet again at some of the recent changes to facebook pages.  Some of the changes I welcomed with open arms, such as being able to post as your page.  I love this as I see the increased marketing potential.  One change reaffirmed my suspicion that facebook is trying to take over the world. 

Facebook started deciding what was most relevant and important for each of us.  MIND CONTROL.

This didn’t happe...
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Misty Montano

Evolving Journalist I am a Journalist using Social Technologies and Interactive Media to connect with news consumers. I am taking on the new exciting and challenging role of Digital Content Manager at 9News in Denver, CO. Previously I was an Assignment Editor at CBS4 News in Denver where I won an Emmy for my work and spent the first 10 years of my career. I truly grew up on the news desk.